Thursday, April 21, 2011


I may have just met the happiest little boy in the world! The second I saw Matthew, he greeted me with the sweetest smile I have ever seen. Not only do I feel blessed to be able to pursue my passion, but I am also humbled to have people invite me into their lives and allow me to document their special moments and important milestones. In Matthew's case, he had a very important achievement to smile about.This little guy just recently climbed up the mobility ladder from a crawler to a speedy and fearless walker. His awesome parents and I seemed to share a vision for Matthew's shoot, and we both wanted to capture his newly found independence with minimal direction from either of us. Not only were they extremely patient and willing to let their little guy explore, they were both ready to literally hike the extra mile (in what felt like desert heat) to get the shots I had in mind. His parents were extremely helpful and made many comedic contributions throughout the whole session...always appreciated! As long as we didn't ask him to pose or sit in one place, Matthew was a happy camper! At times before a shoot, I tend to get caught up in the location and minor details of the session. However, Matthew reminded me this weekend that there is nothing I love more than focusing on the individual and the variety of natural expressions they bring forth. No location or out-of-this-world prop can compare to capturing the authenticity of each individual. Matthew invited me to follow him as we both made our own discoveries. Here are some of the highlights from our shoot. Thanks for stopping by...enjoy! 

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