Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Matthew & Christian

Wouldn't it be nice to come into this world with a best friend already awaiting your arrival? Well, being only two months apart, Matthew and Christian are clearly not only cousins, but best buddies. Although this sounds hard to believe, they already share a sense of humor, enjoy the same tunes ("The Wheels on the Bus" in particular) and have similar wardrobes. Matthew was kind enough to share his photo shoot with Christian, who has nearly perfected the art of sitting. The moms of these adorable little guys seemed to mirror their close relationship. Not only were they great with their own sons, but really excelled at being aunties as well :). It was refreshing to see how helpful and resourceful they were together. Two sisters with two babies under seven that's what I call a solid team. The most remarkable part of this session was that within the two hours that we spent together, the boys did not cry at all..not once! Matthew's expressions were unlike anything I've ever seen in a baby his age. These expressions particularly shined when he spent time analyzing and experimenting with his own reflection in the mirror. This was such a treat to observe! Here are some of the highlights from our day with these adorable little boys. Thanks for stopping by...enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Easily the cutest baby in the world and the best photos! I loveeee these =)
