Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ode to Good Friends

I've always appreciated a well-made scrapbook. The task was attempted a few times. The result: ONE perfectly complete page. Thankfully, my friends at My Dollhouse Club scrapbook exceptionally well....and completely. When Mel asked me to take photos of her and her friends for their new friendship inspired pages and scrap frames, I was excited to contribute to the creativity of MDC. Since these three are childhood friends, the sincere and comfortable chemistry they share is immediately apparent when in their presence. After getting the three of them together and adding a few too many scoops of ice cream and 101 impossible to interpret inside jokes, my camera and I were almost invisible. I'm excited to see how Mel and Marina at My Dollhouse Club artfully document this day, this friendship and these photos. Check out their site: Thanks for visiting...enjoy!


  1. You are absolutely amazing at what you do!

  2. I loved these photos! You truly captured the essence of friendship with these three. You girls look beautiful. Loved the locations! Absolutely stunning. GREAT WORK! =O)
